Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Chennai Part 9

I reach Mamallapuram around 12pm. It also known as Mahabalipuram, this ancient sea port was built by Emperor Mahendravarman Pallava in the 7th century. In those day, from here ships left for countries in south-east Asia and the Mediterranian carrying not only traders but people who emigrated to countries like Indonesia, Thailand and Cambodia. Over the passage of time Mamallapuram ceased to function as a port but its glory lived on in its finished and unfinished temples and monuments. Time and natural forces have wrought changes onthe solid rock surface of these monuments but each sculpture and image still succeeds in conveying a message of beauty and harmony. Mamallapuram bears testimony and pays tribute to its Pallava artists and to the culture of South India. Among the places of interest are Arjuna's Penance, Krishna Mandapa, Mahishasuramardini Cave, Mandapams, Pancha Rathas, Shore Temple and Varaha Mandapa.